Remembering Lynn Grefe

After a courageous, year-long battle with cancer, Lynn Grefe passed away on April 28, 2015 at age 65. Since 2003, Grefe led the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) as president and CEO, and was known widely for her passion and successful political and social advocacy. Under her tenure, NEDA grew into the foremost eating disorder non-profit in the United States. Grefe will be greatly missed for her drive, dedication, and contributions to the growth of eating disorder awareness, an area that is still underserved across the country and around the world.

In a time when eating disorder research funding is still a fraction of other diseases…

Lynn ushered in a new era of awareness in the field:

Grefe pioneered a number of creative NEDA programs and solutions designed to reach millions of people and families suffering from the effects of eating disorders:

  • Launched the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
  • Nationally expanded the NEDA walk program, involving 15,000 people and 65 events across the U.S. every year
  • Grew the NEDA Helpline, which provides assistance and referrals for individual and families struggling with eating disorders
  • Launched, a website where teens and youth can find an interactive community of support

Lynn is an inspiring example of leadership in our field. We must all continue to work together to increase awareness and treatment options for those who suffer from eating disorders.